Contact Numbers:

Office Number: +442088197950

24/7 Number: +44 208 706 0676 (For urgent issues regarding an ongoing transfer)

Email address:

[email protected] (Bookings Amendments, Queries & General Enquiries)

[email protected] (Complaints)

[email protected] (Invoice enquiries)

[email protected] (Business Sales)

Office opening hours are 09:00 – 18:00 GMT Monday – Friday


  • Booking can be made using your lifts-To/Ski-Lifts/Golf-Drives login via our website.
  • Bookings can also be made by emailing us at [email protected] however please be aware that our best rates are only available through our online booking platform.
  • Where quotes require a new route to be sourced by our product team, we will advise you an estimated time it will take us to acquire this quote at the time of request.
  • All emails will be responded to as quickly as possible but certainly before the end of the following working day.
  • Unless a booking amendment is requested total cost given at the time of booking is the amount that will be charged. No further charges or taxes will be added. If the booking is amended and new price will be given.
  • In the event of an issue with the transfer please notify us as soon as possible. Complaints will be responded to within 24hrs, and we aim to have any complaints resolved within 7 working days. Refunds arising form complaints will be issued in the form of a credit note on the client accounts unless otherwise agreed and will be raised within 7 days of the complaint’s resolution.
  • Due to the nature of our business the difficulty in gathering information from third parties after the event we cannot guarantee positive resolution of complaints raised more than 2 weeks after the transfer has taken place.
  • Lifts-To works with the Travel Safety & Sustainability Consultants  Sanderson Phillips. For more information on this please see

Updated: 24th July 2024